Wednesday 17 February 2010


I went to Princeton last September just in time to settle in before Cécile went off to have her baby. I was able to look after Marius, then three, without having to get him up in the middle of the night and cart him off to friends, and I was enough of a novelty, having arrived only a couple of days before, for him to be delighted to be looked after by me. Poor Cécile did not have a very pleasant time, and it was lucky I was there for a month to run the house while she recovered from a very nasty experience. But all seems well now, and Leif Mohandes is growing like crazy and is already getting on for 5 months old. He seems a good natured little chap, hero worships his big brother, and causes little trouble so it appears. Marius, who had been very trying for some time, has finally turned the corner and become charming again. Have a look at their blog for photos, videos etc.

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