Monday, 8 October 2007


Well there we are, the removal van is here (the pretty one with the painting of Chateaudun and the chateau on the side of it) and they have been loading since 7h00. I still have a chair in which I can comfortably sit and work on the computer (actually when I've finished writing this entry, I shall be playing Mah Jong to pass the time, there's nothing more I can do here). I still have my lunch in the fridge (which is staying here so it's still cold). I have stuff to make sandwiches for my supper. My little van is loaded up with cleaning things, my little suitcase, plants, etc. waiting to take me to Quimper this evening. And it's all a bit desolate and demoralizing. The cats really don't understand what is going on, I can't see them any more actually, I think they've decided it's time for them to get lost...
The weather is wonderful, I'm so lucky. If it had been pouring with rain, the house would have got much messier. The removal men are crossing the "lawn" to load the lorry over the wall and would have churned up a lot of mud. Let's hope it holds for unloading Tuesday and Wednesday.
I shall be back Friday to spend the night camping here before signing away the house Saturday morning. After that I shall just have to locate the cats and put them in their boxes (they're going to LOVE that!) and drive up to Quimper again. It's all falling into place.

1 comment:

  1. Merci pour votre commentaire, mon premier !!!
    Je déteste faire des fautes d'orthographes ou écrire avec le language sms, même dans les sms ! C'est vrai que je fais peu de fautes, moi aussi j'essaie de ne pas amocher la langue.
    J'adore l'anglais, j'ai un assez bon niveau, j'ai une bonne moyenne et je prend des cours à côté de temps en temps pour sortir du contexte scolaire. Mais je suis encore loin d'être bilingue!
    J'aimerais bien travailler dans les langues, d'ailleurs être interprète m'attire assez, mais je ne suis pas encore vraiment décidée ... En tout cas j'aimerais voyager.
    Bonne soirée
