Saturday, 22 November 2008

A few of my latest creations

I take photos but most of the time, no one ever gets to see them. So here are a few of the things I've done over the last months:This is a Norwegian cardigan I did for Marius before going to the States in September. He's 2, I did it size 4 years, and it's only just big enough.

While I was in the States, I knitted a scarf for Cécile in Koigu, a wool I can't get over here. It's very fine and knits like cotton, but it's silk and wool.

I've been doing lots of things since I got back, but I can't show photos because they are Christmas presents. I'll take photos before I wrap them up and put them here in January! I sent off an enormous Christmas stocking that I knitted for Marius last week, but I forgot to take a photo beforehand.

And then I've been doing pottery and sculpture. A bit weird most of the time. I love my monster, but it is very difficult to photograph. And my fat lady, except that I decided to to her extremities pointy, and the points sort of curled a bit during the firing process. Never mind, that's why I go to classes.

The monster has only one eye, and a beaky nose/mouth, and is resting his chin on his hand. He looks very sad and tired and wistful. He just grew out of my hands and I love to reflect on what I had inside me at that moment that created a piece like this!

This is a bowl in the shape of a shell, that I've planted up with succulents.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

I went to the beach with Oslo yesterday, Tréguennec, the Atlantic beach with the blockhouse. It was not very promising weather when we left home, but at the beach there was brilliant sunshine. Oslo swam in her little pools around the blockhouse, and I ate two spring rolls I bought after leaving the gym (yes I've joined the gym just five minutes away, and I try to go three times a week). Not a very handy thing to eat on the beach, spring rolls, complete with dipping sauce, but I managed to make a little table on a rock out of the wind. I shared my Chinese almond cake with Oslo, but she dropped her share in the pool, and got water in her nose trying to retrieve it from the bottom. It was all soggy and sandy anyway.

This morning I have repotted my large bonsai in the new dish I have made for it, I'm rather pleased with the result. I can't show a photo yet, it needs trimming and to settle in to its new home. It looks a bit strange and artificial for the moment. It was nice weather earlier, it's cloudy and grey now. I'm off to pottery class in half an hour.

Monday, 17 November 2008


About time I came back to blogging and related my new life in the Finistere. It's been over a year, I have so much to say that for months I have not known where to start.

I'm delighted with my new situation. The last posts before moving were a bit dejected, but actually, once here, I never looked back. I find it hard to believe/remember I ever lived in Le Mée, although I spent the major part of my life there. I don't miss my beautiful house (well, not often), or the garden (well sometimes). I occasionally miss neighbours, I do miss the few real friends I had there. But we keep in touch.

I love my funny little house here in Quimper. It wasn't exactly the ideal choice, it turns out, there's lots wrong with it, but I've made it comfortable, changed some things that really needed changing, it's warm and cosy, cheap to run, and living on the edge of town is quite good fun.

And of course there's the sea. I'll tell you more about that another day.